In light of President Elect Obama winning the national election, there are still some out there who are desperately trying to overturn his nomination by questioning his status as a "natural born U.S. citizen." To those people I say "get a life." To question his commitment and desire to succeed as the President of the United States is outrageous. In light of troubled U.S. times he has assembled key cabinet members faster than any other President in recent history. He also has served this country aptly as a U.S. Senator, and has shown he is ready to get "down and dirty" once his time comes.
The lawsuits have advanced to the Supreme Court, where most likely the case will not be taken on. However, there are several key lawsuits across the country that have brought the issue to a head. Among those filing lawsuits is Alan Keyes, who lost to Obama in the 2004 Illinois Senate race. Keyes' suit seeks to halt certification of votes in California. Another suit by a Kentucky man seeks to have a federal judge review Obama's original birth certificate, which Hawaiian officials say is locked in a state vault.
Other suits have been filed by Andy Martin, whose case was dismissed in Hawaii, and by an Ohio man whose case also was dismissed. Five more suits, all later dismissed, were filed in Hawaii.
The most famous case questioning Obama's citizenship was filed in Pennsylvania in August on behalf of Philip J. Berg and sought to enjoin the Democratic National Committee from nominating Obama. The U.S. Supreme Court denied an application for an injunction and hasn't scheduled a conference on other aspects of the case. Earlier, a federal judge rejected it for "lack of standing"—ruling that Berg had no legal right to sue.
The Obama campaign maintains that he was born in Hawaii, has an authentic birth certificate, and is a "natural-born" U.S. citizen. and Hawaiian officials have agreed.
I find it hard to believe that this President could do any worse than his predecessor. Leave the man alone and let him do his job, and judge him after he takes on a financial crisis, international affairs, increasing terrorist threats, a failing health care system, a horrible public education system and the highest unemployment rate in history. We, the public expect a smooth transition between presidents and Obama seeks nothing else. In filling his cabinet roles he has done some of the most intrusive and extensive background checks in history. His friends and foes alike have been subject to very personal tests in order to avoid any hiccups. It just doesn't seem that Mister Obama has the time to defend his right to the Presidency, nor should he feel inclined to do so.
His name is Barack Hussein Obama, he was born in Honolulu to a Kenyan man and an American woman from Wichita, Kansas. He is not a terrorist, he is not muslim, he is however the first African American president of the United States of America. It is called change; embrace it, tolerate it. You never know what the results will be until they are given a fair shot.
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